Monday, May 21, 2012

KTV in Shanghai

Last weekend we were invited to join our amazing ayi Rose and her family for some karaoke on Sunday afternoon.  It wasa blast!  It's a very popular form of entertainment for Chinese people, and the place was packed with a long waiting list to reserve a room. Everyone gets a private room and drinks and food are served.  Songs are available in Chinese or English. We had the chance to meet Rose's husband, her adorable two year old daughter and her mother and father.  They all live together and her father takes care of the baby when Rose comes to work.  Such nice people.  Despite the fact that our communication was very limited, we all had a lot of fun and music really is the international language. Not too many shy people in this bunch....a GREAT day!

Here's Rose:

Rose's little daugher with the perfect face.  I wish she was mine.

That's Rose's husband on the right.  He is a bus mechanic.

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